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My Struggle

Are we agree about we can't choose our color when were born?

We can't choose our carrier illness either. In my case, I have one. It's not dangerous (fortunately) but it's make me unconfident. I am vitiligo survivor.

It's first appear when I'm in elementary, on my knee. I thought it's kind of ringworm. I told my parents, they're just like common Asian parents, "It's okay, it will gone by tomorrow". And it's not fone, and they're just chill. Until the vitiligo appear on my chest when I was 13 maybe. It's bigger than the previous spot.

Everybody notice, and start asking. I just said "I don't know". I told my parents and they're kind of worries. I forgot what's the treatment back then. Until it's appear on my right side neck my father took an action, traditional ways--so common Asian parent. My father brought some firewoods, he burn it--no it's not the coal for the treatment, it's the kind of sap i guess. I can't find relate images for it, but I found the video here's the link, credits to the owner.

Long story short the vitiligo not gone (duhhh)
I never get medical treatment for it. Because my parents can't afford for it. And also I thought it's not bother me so much. I can cover them with polo shirt or with my hair. I just use Chinese traditional balm for my vitiligo. And somehow it's look blurry and so promising to be gone for good.

But one day, the vitiligo appear on my lips. It hit me so much. It happened in highschool era. I felt unconfident. I don't have much photos of me in highschool because of it. If I have to be in the picture I tried so hard to cover it 

After a few months, the vitiligo in my lips got blurry.
But then it's appear on my belly

